How does ParkCash affect ESG?
About ESG
Ecology, sustainable growth, decarbonisation, renewable energy sources have been on everyone's lips for years. Whereas ESG, an acronym for environmental, social responsibility and governance, has been gaining popularity over the last few years.
Geared for the environment
Why ESG?
ESG has a real impact on setting goals and proactive measures in many enterprises.
There is increasing market pressure from consumers and customers to implement environmentally friendly changes.
Secondly, at national and EU level, more and more regulations are passed making sustainable development concepts a reality.
Socially responsible companies are much more likely to attract funding from investors.
Right from the inception of the ParkCash start-up, environmental and social aspects as well as the impact of our business have been at the forefront of our minds.
We are proud that our efforts deliver results within the scope of ecology, sustainable development and environmental protection.

How does ParkCash achieve that?
Less pollution
Looking for a parking space takes between 15 and 20 minutes and contributes by up to 30% to traffic jams in the centres of large cities. Reserving parking spaces reduces congestion around the building and in the car park itself and reduces the amount of exhaust gasses emitted into the atmosphere by cars searching for parking spaces.

How does ParkCash achieve that?
Less stress amongst employees
Employees can plan their journey to work because they know whether a parking space will be available for them. Alternative means of transport such as bicycle, scooter or public transport can be used if a space is not available. Such a solution reduces stress amongst employees. Furthermore, an employee saves time not looking for a parking space because they know exactly where to park.

How does ParkCash achieve that?
Effective use of company resources
Since space has been taken away from nature for the construction of an office building as well as parking spaces, it cannot be allowed to go unused. And this also applies to the car park. In practice this means that parking spaces cannot be empty when employees with a permanently assigned space (as a perk) are working from home. Such vacant spaces should be used by other employees who want to or need to come to the office by car. ParkCash makes it possible for between 3 and 10 individuals to use a single parking space during a month.