System elements
Discover ParkCash hardware

ParkCash tools
SIM/Bluetooth ParkCash Mobile Remote
The controller enabling barrier opening via phone is equipped with a SIM card and Bluetooth module. ParkCash Mobile Pilots are installed in office, residential, and private parking lots. The solution's advantages include easy installation, attractive price, and redundancy of barrier opening methods (mobile app, GSM connection, and Bluetooth communication). The controller is compatible with most barrier and gate solutions used in the market. The device is a good alternative to QR code readers and LPR cameras.
Quick and efficient
LPR/ANPR cameras

The number plate recognition system is a state-of-the-art solution for handling vehicle traffic in a car park. Dedicated cameras with image analysis software recognise a vehicle registration number and based on this, the system decides whether to grant entry or register the entry for subsequent billing. Integration with the ParkCash booking system means the LPR/ANPR camera allocates access rights based on reservations made. The LPR/ANPR system also allows to stop printing traditional parking tickets entirely. The cameras feature infrared illuminators, making them effective both during the day and at night. ParkCash works with renowned suppliers of these solutions.

A reliable alternative
QR code reader
ParkCash allows integration between access control and QR code readers installed at barriers. When making a reservation in the ParkCash system, a user receives temporary entry rights saved in a QR code. When a reservation is active, the driver scans the code to open a barrier. The scanners are a good alternative to the LPR/ANPR cameras – allowing users to enter when there are problems with number plate recognition.

Additional features
Parking space locks / space savers
For VIP parking spaces or those located in high traffic intensity areas, ParkCash recommends the use of modern parking locks (space savers). The solutions we recommend allow you to operate your lock from a mobile app based on a payment or reservation you have made. We recommend such a solution in places with a charger for electric cars, but also for surface car parks.
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